Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a new chapter in history text books...

Today marks a historic event in the United States. Who would have ever thought that a country that has a past of slavery would ever get to witness an African-American man taking the head chair in the oval office and now occupying the white house for at least the next four years. Most American's feel it is time for a change, time for someone else to take a chance in running what was the most powerful country in world and rebuilding what has been destroyed in the last eight long years. I myself am very anxious to see what Mr. Obama's first move will be, or should I now say president Obama. What will he do in the four years that he has to try to change the way the United States now stands. Will he be different and actually keep his word and the many promises he has made or will he back out of everything he initially stood for? Someone today asked me if I was excited that "change had come," and my response was that change has yet to occure, he hasn't been tested yet, let him have to make some decisions and then I can tell you if "change" truly has come. I guess some see it as racially change has come, but for me race, or even a religion was never a deciding factor, it was what was under the surface that mattered to me. I guess to answer the question I was asked earlier today: yes, I am excited that there has clearly been a change, fifty years ago Obama would have never even had a chance but then again neither would have Hillary Clinton. However, I am most excited to see what changes President Obama will be making. I do have my fears and my doubts but who doesn't when it comes to having someone new in the white house that will now be making decisions that control and effect your daily life. We will all have to see the changes that will come in due time but for now I have many different emotions about President Obama.

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